Susanna Wesley Nursery School
Consent/Permission Forms
(Student’s Name)
FIELD TRIPS—From time to time classes take field trips as part of the
school program. Field trips are used to enrich the school program and to
facilitate learning. We need parental/guardian approval for such activities.
To minimize paperwork both for the parent and teacher, we are asking that parental consent be given via this form for all field trips which your child may take with his/her class.
The teacher will send home a notice prior to each trip, but it will not be necessary for the parent to respond each time. If you DO NOT wish your child to participate in a particular field trip, you should contact the school when you receive notice of the trip.
If parent volunteers are needed, sign up sheets will be posted outside of the classroom.
I give consent for ______________________________ to participate in field trips to be taken by the class during the 2019-2020 school year.
_________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
PHOTOGRAPHS of children participating in our program may be taken from time to time and may appear
in newspapers, brochures, on our website or Facebook page.
I give my permission for pictures of my child to be used in these publications during the 2019-2020 school year.
_________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
IMAGINATION STATION—Occasionally we take the children to the Imagination Station playground for
a special playtime. We are asking you to sign a blanket permission slip to cover any visits we may make there.
I give permission for my child to play at the Imagination Station during the 2019-2020 school year.
_________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date